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IDOMPrint parses an XML file, constructs the DOM tree, and walks through the tree printing each element. It thus dumps the XML back (output same as SAXPrint).

Running IDOMPrint

The IDOMPrint sample parses an XML file, using either a validating or non-validating IDOM parser configuration, builds a DOM tree, and then walks the tree and outputs the contents of the nodes in a 'canonical' format. To run IDOMPrint, enter the following:

IDOMPrint <XML file>

The following parameters may be set from the command line

    IDOMPrint [options] <XML file>

This program invokes the IDOM parser, and builds the DOM tree.
It then traverses the DOM tree and prints the contents of the
tree for the specified XML file.

    -e          create entity reference nodes. Default is no expansion.
    -u=xxx      Handle unrepresentable chars [fail | rep | ref*].
    -v=xxx      Validation scheme [always | never | auto*].
    -n          Enable namespace processing. Default is off.
    -s          Enable schema processing. Default is off.
    -f          Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults is off.
    -x=XXX      Use a particular encoding for output. Default is
                the same encoding as the input XML file. UTF-8 if
                input XML file has not XML declaration.
    -?          Show this help.

  * = Default if not provided explicitly.

The parser has intrinsic support for the following encodings:
    UTF-8, USASCII, ISO8859-1, UTF-16[BL]E, UCS-4[BL]E,
    WINDOWS-1252, IBM1140, IBM037.

-u=fail will fail when unrepresentable characters are encountered
-u=rep will replace with the substitution character for that codepage
-u=ref will report the character as a reference

-v=always will force validation
-v=never will not use any validation
-v=auto will validate if a DOCTYPE declaration or a schema declaration is present in the XML document

Here is a sample output from IDOMPrint

cd xerces-c1_6_0-linux/samples/data
IDOMPrint -v=always personal.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE personnel SYSTEM "personal.dtd">
<!-- @version: -->

<person id="Big.Boss">
  <name><family>Boss</family> <given>Big</given></name>
  <link subordinates="one.worker two.worker three.worker
                         four.worker five.worker"></link>

<person id="one.worker">
  <name><family>Worker</family> <given>One</given></name>
  <link manager="Big.Boss"></link>

<person id="two.worker">
  <name><family>Worker</family> <given>Two</given></name>
  <link manager="Big.Boss"></link>

<person id="three.worker">
  <name><family>Worker</family> <given>Three</given></name>
  <link manager="Big.Boss"></link>

<person id="four.worker">
  <name><family>Worker</family> <given>Four</given></name>
  <link manager="Big.Boss"></link>

<person id="five.worker">
  <name><family>Worker</family> <given>Five</given></name>
  <link manager="Big.Boss"></link>


Note that IDOMPrint does not reproduce the original XML file. IDOMPrint and SAXPrint produce different results because of the way the two APIs store data and capture events.

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