Plant Physiology
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Plant Physiology
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Educational Sites Botany Encyclopedia of Plants and Botanical Dictionary is your complete resource for all of your Gardening Needs (Updated 8/31/99).
bulletBotany online - The Internet Hypertextbook is a useful tutorial that goes through this history, anatomy of the cells and tissues, classic genetics, and much much more (Updated 3/4/00).
bulletDig Magazine Home & Garden Diversions  your ultimate resource for your home and garden needs (Updated 8/20/00).
bulletFoliage-Vermont has a lot of pictures of autumn leaves (Updated 8/31/99).
bulletMissouri Urban Trees
bulletPicture It -- Cells shows various cool botany pictures and learn about the physiology of plant cells (Updated 4/7/99)
bulletPictures of Various Plants and Parts of Plants.  This site is full of interesting pictures related to plants at the University of Wisconsin (Gopher site) (Updated 4/8/99).
bulletPlant Bioscience- Plant technologies available for scientists and companies (Updated 8/10/00).
bulletOn-Line Glossary of Technical
Terms  in Plant Pathology
  Provides an illustrated glossary, including pronunciations for
technical terms used in plant
pathology (Updated 10/17/99).
bulletThe Right Tree Handbook Tree selections for planting under and near power lines and other locations.  This resource provides a lot of useful pictures (Updated 10/17/99). (3043 bytes) is an online free education resource, providing net resources, experts, conferences and jobs related to agriculture (Updated 8/20/00).