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bulletCool Molecular Biology Sites
bulleta list of cool molecular biology sites around the world
bulletMolecular Biology Protocols
bulletlaboratory methods and other protocols, that are important for avid molecular biologist.
bulletTutorials in Molecular Biology
bulleteducational sites, whose main focus is molecular biology

Cool Molecular Biology sites

bullet Biocompare- The buyers guide for life scientistsnew.GIF binoculars.GIF Search, find and compare life science products and services (Updated 10/03/01).
bulletBiology Links at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology provides a broad range of links from a variety of different sources at Harvard University (Updated 6/15/99).
bulletBiomedpage  is a resource collection for the molecular biology and biomedicine. It includes free medline and database access, laboratory protocols and a large collection for yeast two-hybrid system and c.elegans links.(auf Deusch)(Updated 7/14/99).
bulletBIOSCI (Cool site for information in Molecular Biology) is a set of electronic communication forums - the bionet USENET newsgroups and parallel e-mail lists - used by biological scientists worldwide.  This site is maintained at Stanford University (Updated 7/15/99). 
bullet CCUG binoculars.GIF CCUG: Culture Collection, University of Göteborg, Sweden A versatile site for bacterial strains, identification and information on bacteria. Taxonomy,Nomenclature,Identification,Protein profiling,BioMérieux Api profiles, CFA(FAME), phenotyping, etc (Updated 9/23/99).
bulletEuropean Molecular Biology Network-swiss node- there are a lot of useful links here to other molecular biology sites.
bulletDatabases new.GIF (3043 bytes)available at Weizmann Institute provides an alternative Weizmann Institute of Science Department of Biological Service and Crown Human Genome Center (Updated 8/31/99).
bullet Molecular Informatics Resource for the Analysis of Gene Expressionnew.GIF Information, links, and tools pertaining to gene expression and DNA-protein interactions (Updated 9/23/99).
bulletList of bacterial names with standing in nomenclaturenew.GIF binoculars.GIF The List of Bacterial Names both alphabetically and chronologically (Updated 9/23/99).
bulletMolecular Biology Discussion Groups is the result of a Remarq search of biology related discussion groups (Updated 6/15/99).
bulletMolecular Biology Gateway- provides some journal and www links that a molecular biologist would find useful at Horizon Scientific Press (Updated 4/13/99).
bulletMolecular Biology Servers Databases and Web Sites of Interest is an interesting list of different resources linked by the PDB database at Research Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) (Updated 8/31/99).
bullet Molecular Informatics Resource for the Analysis of Gene Expression Information, links, and tools pertaining to gene expression and DNA-protein interactions (Updated 8/31/99).
bulletPasteur Institute's list of guides, tutorials, and documents  binoculars.GIF (1646 bytes)(no membership required) related to molecular biology at the Pasteur Institute (Updated 1/28/00)

Redasoft analysis quickly and easily (Updated 8/10/00).

bullet new.GIF provides a useful resource for functional genomics, including today's headlines, recent papers, and upcoming meetings (Updated 10/03/01).

bulletSeqWeb (proprietary) an add-on product to the Wisconsin PackageTM, is the latest development in making GCG®'s sequence analysis tools easier to access and easier to use. This site is maintained by the genetics computer group (GCG) (Updated 8/24/99)

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