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List of Cool Books

bulletCoolest General Interest Books in my opinion.  Please send your comments and suggestions to


bulletThe Hot Zone by Richard Preston 

The hot zone is a terrifying account of ebola and marburg virus in Africa and in the United States.  I think this is one of the most fun and suspenseful books to read on the subject.  I would highly recommend it. 


bulletBiohazard by by Ken Alibek, Stephen Handelman 

This was an excellent non-fictional account of the illegal biological warfare program from the perspective of one of its prime initiators, Ken Alibek. This book is full of suspense and drama. It is a must read for history and cold war buffs. 


bulletThe Coming Plague : Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance  by Laurie Garrett

This book is a non-fictional documentary of various diseases which are harmful for man and potentially devastating for mankind.  I would recommend this book for anyone interested in learning about potential plagues that are out there.


A Word from the Web Designer

This is a small list of some of my favorite books.  If anyone has some suggestions on some cool books that they would like to add to the list, please send an email to . I would be glad to read them and if I like it, I put it on the list.