Workshops, training & courses at CARC

intro to CARC

CARC supports a wide array of workshops and computing-based courses. These range from short, getting-started workshops (Intro to Computing at CARC) to specialized, one- to five-day workshops on domain-specific topics (energy grid modeling; computational chemistry; computational fluid dynamics), to specialized code installation and dedicated supercomputer queue and systems support for courses. The Center prides itself in offering a rich and collaborative learning environment.

If you would like to hold a workshop at CARC or if you are planning to teach a course requiring computational resources and/or workshop space at the Center, please contact the director at your earliest convenience by emailing

Upcoming Workshops at CARC

Introduction to Computing at CARC

Thursday, February 8

Wednesday, February 21

1-5 p.m.

Center for Advanced Research Computing

Course syllabus

Registration required

Center for Advanced Research Computing

MSC01 1190
1601 Central Ave. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

p: 505.277.8249
f:  505.277.8235